Job Description
Job Title: Surveillance Officer
Location City / Town: Maputo
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Short Description/ Purpose of Job
TOR for Surveillance:
- Provided technical support to district, zonas and health facilities (private and public) to prioritize surveillance reporting sites by category of high, medium and low including the inclusion of informal community reporting such traditional healers, pattern medical vendors, healing house, community volunteers etc
- To conduct active case search in line with the recommended number of visits by category of each reporting sites using online checklist on the ODK platform
- Provide technical support for the training of various cadres of health works and surveillance focal points at province, district and sub-district level
- Conducted advocacy visits to relevant line authorities at provincial, district and sub-district level for holistic approach to planning aimed at enhancing local commitment, pro-active participation and ownership.
- Share monthly work plan and activities conducted to WCO and other stakeholder
Recruitment Description/ Key Accountabilities
Qualifications and Skills
Functional Skills and Knowledge
Expected knowledge and skills:
Technical expertise on vaccine preventable disease surveillance and Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) and knowledge of EPI activities and communicable diseases.
Key behavioral competencies: Excellent ability to work as part of a team. Strong interpersonal, negotiation and excellent written and oral communication skills; demonstrated skills in presenting information to groups of people with diverse educational and training backgrounds; ability to provide leadership, monitor progress and elaborate response plans; ability to work effectively with colleagues at the national and international level; ability to understand the dynamics of public organizations.
Education (Qualifications):
Essential: Advanced level university degree in health, public health or epidemiology. Master’s degree level in public health,
Desirable: Training in monitoring and evaluation will be an asset. Previous experience working within a national health system
Essential: At least 5 years of combined experience at international, national and provincial level in public health or surveillance in vaccine preventable disease control. At least four years of experience in polio eradication is also essential. Knowledge of, and experience with, elaborating data entry and quantitative data analysis. Experience in producing technical and analytical documents in health-related field and in the elaboration of quality and management tools (post descriptions, protocols, flow charts, verification lists, etc.). General
- Computer skills
o Obligatory: MS word, Excel, Power point,
o Added advantage: Analytics such as SPSS, ODK based tools, Tableaux, Power BI, ArcGIS.
- Language (Speak and write)
o Portuguese is essential
o English an added advantage
Date Posted: 29/08/2023
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